select Oil Paintings

A collection of oil paintings exploring figure, portraiture, color, form, and observational representation.

intaglio, Linocut, and Serigraphy


One of the constant themes in my work is feminism and symbols of feminism. I really enjoy exploring unlikely examples of feminism. For those that don’t know, Ophelia is a character in the Shakespearean play “Hamlet”. As the story goes, Ophelia throws herself into a stream to end her suffering after being betrayed by her lover and left with no prospects. She is alone in the world because all the men in her life are gone. Her death is described as beautiful as she floats down a stream surrounded by flowers.

Her character can be easily overlooked, and she is often called names and belittled. However, I’ve always seen her death as a form of a feminist critique. She stands as a reminder of the fragility we can have when we place our self image on the will of men. We could all become Ophelia if we allow the restrictions and stereotypes/expectations of femininity define our life and livelihood. If we base our value on men we can lose everything. There is beauty and truth in her death and in this piece I hope to capture that more powerful interpretation of her story.

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